What Decision Really Means A Toast About Decision Making

Here is a short wish and toast about decision making:

The Latin root of the word “decide” means “to kill or to cut” (similar to “homicide”, “suicide”, “genocide”.)

So when we decide to do something new, without killing something old, we don’t make a decision at all. We make an addition.

And making additions is a sure way to get overloaded and not get anything done.

The truth is, that no-one makes good decisions each and every time. The key is to learn to make a decision.

My wish today is for everyone sitting at this table to have the courage to make decisions, even when we don’t know what will be the outcome.

This short toast about decision making can be used well in general gatherings (without any special celebrations), in business meetings, or to encourage someone to make a decision.

We don’t often think to offering a wish of good decision making, so this can be a good change for the listeners.

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